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Will there be a Zombie Apocalypse?

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In recent years, the concept of a zombie apocalypse has captured the imagination of many, fueled by popular culture and the success of zombie-themed TV shows, movies, and video games. But could a zombie apocalypse actually happen within the next 5 to 20 years? In this article, we will delve into this intriguing possibility, backed by scientific insights, CDC advisories, and expert opinions.

Understanding the Concept

Before we explore the likelihood of a zombie apocalypse, it's crucial to define what we mean by "zombie." In popular culture, zombies are typically reanimated corpses driven by an insatiable hunger for human flesh. While this notion is firmly rooted in fiction, real-world scenarios that might resemble a zombie apocalypse are worth considering.

Disease Outbreaks: The Zombie Catalyst

One of the most plausible scenarios for a "zombie-like" outbreak would be the emergence of a highly contagious pathogen. Such an outbreak could lead to widespread panic, chaos, and even social breakdown. While zombies, as we know them in fiction, are not real, certain diseases could give rise to zombie-like symptoms, such as impaired cognitive function and aggressive behavior.

Whether it was just a joke or the real thing, the CDC did report or wrote about zombie preparedness on its website as reported on several newspapers such as:

USA Today: “The CDC wants you to prepare for a zombie apocalypse. (Yes, you read that right.)”

Potential Contagions

Several pathogens could, in theory, lead to a zombie-like scenario:

a. Rabies: Rabies is a viral disease known to cause aggressive behavior in infected animals. While rare, human rabies cases can lead to similar symptoms, albeit without reanimation.

b. Neurodegenerative Diseases: Prion diseases like Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) can cause severe brain degeneration, leading to erratic behavior and cognitive decline.

c. Unknown Pathogens: It's crucial to remember that the next outbreak could involve a novel pathogen we haven't encountered before.

Origins of the Outbreak

While it's impossible to predict with certainty where a potential zombie-like outbreak might originate, certain countries with high population densities and limited healthcare infrastructure are more susceptible. Regions with a history of disease outbreaks, like parts of Africa and Southeast Asia, may be particularly vulnerable.

The Likelihood Factor

At this point, it's essential to emphasize that the likelihood of a full-fledged zombie apocalypse, as portrayed in fiction, remains extremely low. Governments and international organizations are actively engaged in pandemic preparedness, and scientific advancements in disease control are continuously evolving.

Survival Strategies

Nevertheless, it's prudent to be prepared for any crisis, including pandemic scenarios. Here are some practical tips for surviving a potential outbreak:

  • Stay Informed: Stay updated with reliable sources of information, such as the CDC, WHO, and local health authorities.
  • Prepare an Emergency Kit: Have a well-stocked emergency kit with essential supplies, including non-perishable food, water, first-aid supplies, and communication devices.
  • Develop a Safe Haven: Identify a secure location where you can retreat in case of an emergency. This could be a rural property, a well-fortified home, or a designated shelter.
  • Learn Self-Defense: Basic self-defense skills can be invaluable in a chaotic situation. Consider taking martial arts or self-defense classes.
  • Form Alliances: Build a network of trustworthy individuals who can provide mutual support and protection.


While the idea of a zombie apocalypse is captivating, it remains firmly rooted in fiction. However, the threat of a contagious disease outbreak is real and warrants our attention and preparation. By staying informed, being ready for emergencies, and cultivating survival skills, we can better face any potential crisis, whether it resembles a zombie apocalypse or not.

FEMA's  Emergency Alert System Conspiracy: "Will it turn us into Zombies?"


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